Keep it simple!
Keep it simple!
We provide digital products that have seamless user experience, integrated with Microsoft Teams and Slack.


Users love simplicity

Embedding a simple user action into their daily communication tool, such as Microsoft Teams or Slack, makes the hurdle of adoption much smaller.

Leaders need help

Life of a leader is not easy, and life of a leader of a remote, distributed or hybrid team is even harder. Our services help them be more intentional in leading their teams.

We add value

By identifying a common challenge and providing a service that can help overcome it, we enable you to lead your teams and organizations in a more effective way.

Upgrade your company's OS

With our services you can modernize your company and leverage technology to save time, improve processes and increase employee engagement.


Our first product is live!

RoMo stands for Role Models.

It takes 5 seconds for employees to vote for coworkers that really live your company values and are on the path to become true Role Models.

Leadership teams and People & Culture teams get rich insights into the state of company values and culture, how they progress over time, and who are the emerging role models.

Learn more:


Ditto Digital co-founders

Vlada Tošić

Vladimir Tošić

Digital Product and Marketing Expert

Leader in the corporate and startup world at the same time. Have been playing with culture design and transformation for the last 7 years. Lead the design, delivery and deployment of globally scaled digital solutions.

Ivan Dimitrijević

Ivan Dimitrijević

Software Architect

Software Developer in heart.
15+ years of experience in managerial and developer positions in Software Development, Media and Telecommunications. TypeScript & AWS Serverless enthusiast.



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